Match Play League
FORMAT: The league will consist of 9 holes of regulation play. Teams will consist of 6-man rosters with 4 players playing each night. Groups will tee off Holes #1 and #10. All Matches are played from WHITE Tee box. Lower and Higher Handicaps will play different 9 each week. Pairings are made by closest handicaps of player/opponent. Scoring will be match play (handicapped) with one point per hole. (Maximum handicap – 18)
The league will be limited to 12 teams with a maximum of 48 players per night.
DATE: Qualifying round Thursday April 10th. Match play begins April 17. Sixteen Weeks of Play. League ends July 31.
Playoffs August 3rd, 10th, 17th.
Season End Championship Food Banquet August 17. Teams not in playoffs will play 9-hole scramble for Eagle Springs Gift Cards.
Top Eight teams seeded for playoffs.
All “new” players to Thursday Match Play League must play a 9-hole qualifying round on April 10th or make arrangements with the pro shop prior to the 1st night of actual league play. New player will state that they are playing qualifying round for Thursday Night league and will play from WHITE Tee box. Player must have witness to sign card and give card to pro shop personnel at completion qualifying round.
This is a competitive league with U.S.G.A. rules governing play except when otherwise noted.
FEE: $150.00 per team plus weekly green fee. League 9-Hole Walking Rate is $14.75 Golf Cart Rate is $6.25
All league fees must be paid prior to the first night!
Players will not be allowed to compete until fees have been paid.
Rainouts are NOT Rescheduled
TIME: Tee off times, 5:06 – 5:38pm